Cycad Salvage, Translocation & Retail Sales
“Cycas armstrongii is endemic to the NT and listed as vulnerable under the TPWC Act as less than 1% of the population is included in conservation reserves...The program encourages the conservation of cycads through sustainable land management practices.”
Cycas projects are tailored to client scope, ensuring developers and land managers adhere to all NT legislative and environmental obligations, at the same time maximising the percentage of viable stems salvaged from site under approved development permits. Services may include:
» Translocation within or off-site
Includes all plant, equipment and labour required plus supply and application of fungicides, insecticides, foliage treatments - as per industry best practice and Cycad/Environmental Management Plans.
» Salvage/Hold/Maintain
Stems salvaged, potted and maintained at TNP nursery for future translocation or utilised by TNP. Includes all materials required and horticultural care and maintenance services (weed, fungal and insecticide management).
TNP’s experienced and accredited indigenous contractors have conducted multiple successful Cycad salvage projects including DHA Muirhead Stage 1 & 2, Robertson Barracks and Darwin International Airport.
Project scope includes assessment of regulatory compliance and development permits, application for Parks and Wildlife ‘Permits to Interfere’, administration of data collection, Cycas tagging and permit returns.
All translocation projects adhere to “Management Program for Cycads in the Northern Territory of Australia” (Liddle, D. 2009)
TNP stock advanced Cycas Armstrongii in 100ltr grow bags:
» Stem height 600-1800mm at approx 25-65+ years old.
» Stock inspection available upon request. Wholesale discounts & delivery fees may apply.
» $POA pending stem height, age & condition. Enquire here.
All Cycas stems are supplied with P&W Tag as evidence of legal acquisition under approved Cycas Management Plan.
“Reservation of high quality habitat, control of exotic grasses and fire management are priority management requirements. Promotion of the value of cycad habitat through the economic returns gained by the sustainable use of this species may assist conservation of the species.”