Common medium to large NT paperbark found in heavy clay soils including regularly inundated coastal areas. Grey, brown or whitish papery bark, silky new foliage and white, cream or green-yellow dense flower spikes. Wide indigenous and medicinal uses. Leaves used for antibacterial/anti-inflammatory ‘Cajuput oil’. Excellent shade, shelter and estuarine habitat tree, able to tolerate brackish and acid sulphate soils. Can grow larger but commonly 10-20M

  • Screening, Accent & Filler

  • Bird & Butterfly Attracting

  • Cyclone Resistant

  • Fragrant Flowers

  • Shade Tree

  • Moderate Water

  • Tree

Fagg, M. ANBG

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

Gary Fox