*PLEASE NOTE* Not all species are in stock at all times. Request a Millner Stocklist or book a time to visit. Otherwise a range of plants are available at Finlay’s Stone, Berry Springs Home Hardware or Katherine Mitre 10 seven days a week.
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Very unique and attractive small shrub with decorative large white flowers throughout the year, and delicious sweet edible fruit. Ideal in pots or part shade gardens with ample water. 1-2M
Decorative endemic shrub or small tree with edible red berries and evergreen glossy green foliage. Eye-catching large fruits plump and bold when ripe. Favoured bush tucker. Grows in vine thickets and forests. Tolerates part shade. Unique and sought after feature or screening shrub. 1-3m
Large, extremely fast growing and rare NT Native pioneering tree with spreading canopy, distinctive buttress roots, profuse bird attracting flowers and bright red foliage flush. Spherical brilliant blue fruit high in Vitamin C and prized for edibility, useful for jams. Tolerates full sun or part shade, prefers rich well drained soils. 15-25M
Common, although extremely variable evergreen native vine, vigorous climber or scrambling shrub. Occasionally tree form. Wide ranging in coastal bushland, Acacia woodland, dry and riverine forest. Juicy cream grape-shaped edible fruits & seeds, with leaves cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Wide medicinal uses. 2-5M
Spectacular fast growing South American leguminous shade tree with wide spreading spherical shade canopy. Dark-reddish brown bark, large edible ear/kidney shaped seed pods and extremely fragrant flowers. Nitrogen fixing tree which helps bind soil, preserve moisture & prevent erosion. Very hardy & drought tolerant cattle shade tree. Highly palatable seeds, foliage and fruit provide plentiful & extremely nutritious fodder for all livestock. 25-35M
The most widespread species of boab, native to Africa. Extremely long-lived 2,000+ years, with trunk diameter of 10M+. Stunning fast growing deciduous specimen feature tree for open sunny hot areas, with large white hanging scented flowers. Traditional food plant in Africa. Leaves, roots and fruits are edible. Very hardy & drought tolerant. 15-20M
Graceful, decorative large spreading tree with diagonally layered branches, highly scented flowers and tasty sweet edible purple fruits. Excellent fast growing Top End native shade tree. Red-maroon flush before dropping leaves, with foliage returning soon after in bold fluorescent green flush. Common urban & rural streetscape and parkland planting. Bird & butterfly attractant. 10-20M
Very attractive small tree with neat compact form & dense dark green foliage contrasting with profusion of cream flowers. Bright pink-red fruits can be eaten raw, used to make jam, flavourings or added to Gin/Vodka drinks. Excellent bird attractant, landscaping, streetscape and feature garden planting. 4-6M
Small to medium semi-deciduous spreading bushland tree with pale green fruit, cream flowers and large oval leaves. The fruit is the world's highest known natural source of Vitamin C. Commercially harvested for its culinary uses including gourmet bush condiments like jams, chutneys and pickles. 5-7M
Small to moderate sized tree with spreading canopy, large oval leaves, dense shade and showy white flowers. Edible large white fruit with dry sharp apple taste. Useful for filling and screening. 5-10M
Bushy semi-deciduous edible shrub, more evergreen when irrigated. Tolerates full sun or part shade. Smooth tasty fleshy berries, black when ripe. Butterfly food plant. Associated with sandstone country, monsoon forests near freshwater streams, open forest and woodland. 3-5M
Delicious endemic NT Native edible. Favoured bush tucker. Small sprawling semi-deciduous shrub with dense glossy foliage & ripe purple fruits used to make dye, jam or eaten fresh. Found in sandstone country, monsoon thickets & open woodland. Male and female plants, best planted in multiples to maximise fruiting viability. Flowers & fruits from 2-3m tall. 1.5-3M
Attractive trailing shrub. Watermelon pink to white/cream hibiscus-like flowers last one day, but prolific during wet season. Re-shoots from underground tuber with first rains. Tubers, leaves and shoots edible raw or cooked. Wide medicinal uses. Food plant for the Spotted Bollworm moth and Cotton Leaf roller. 1-1.5M
Australia's only Boab species. Synonymous with the Kimberley, but also native to the NT. Large feature tree with unique broad bottle-shaped trunk, deciduous, white flowers. Seeds and pith edible. Fast growing statement feature tree. 5-15M
Medium decorative feature shrub or small tree with layered growth. Cream, strongly scented flowers borne in small clusters along the branches. Attracts numerous birds and butterflies. Tasty edible shiny bright red fruit. Cyclone resistant. Excellent filler, feature & screening tree. 4-10M
Medium to large decorative cyclone resistant shade tree. Small bright red bursts of flowers, large boat shaped seed pods, changing from green to black when ripe. Can be trained as a succulent bonsai due to the large tuber it develops from an early age. 5-15M
Extremely hardy small-medium feature shrub with showy bright red flowers when leafless, and enormous leaves. Recently re-discovered as Darwin's floral emblem. 2-4M
Erect, handsome & slender medium sized evergreen shade tree. Densely foliated, with cream flowers attractive to birds & butterflies. Small sweet tasty edible fruit. Suitable for moist areas or well irrigated garden plantings. 8-12M
Shapely medium sized shade tree. Flowers yellow, green or white. Common species in Northern Australia often mistaken for Mahogany, but more resilient and a suitable NT Native alternative. Found along stream banks or in transition vegetation from vine forest. Cream bark and edible seeds. 10-20M
Small fruiting understory tree with edible fleshy red fruits and bursts of white flowers. Found in vine forest and along creek lines and coastal dunes. Distinctive three-veined leaves. 4-10M
Splendid spreading NT Native coastal tree with clusters of large trumpet shaped bright orange flowers. Heart shaped glossy leaves. Useful as a very fast growing & colourful flowering small screening/filler tree for urban gardens. 5-10M
Very attractive medium sized tree, large shiny leaves. Huge impressive bursts of pink flower buds and decorative large woody fruits. Seeds and chaff are shaken from the pods and eaten raw. One of the Top End's most distinctive and popular bloodwoods for its showy and profuse flowering. 8-12M
NT endemic multi stemmed shrub or slender tree with glossy green leaves and tasty love heart shaped edible red fruit. Small, fragrant white to yellow flowers. Densely foliated bush tucker filler plant for moist areas and monsoon forest plantings. 3-8M
Popular low clumping evergreen ornamental. Strappy glossy leaves and sweet edible blue-purple berries & nutty seeds. Blue-lilac flower petals with yellow inner. Very hardy & adaptable. Tolerates part shade for understory planting. 1M
Excellent evergreen and hardy shrub. Can be pruned as attractive screening bush or hedge, with dense glossy green leaves and masses of impressive edible fruit turning yellow, red and black when ripe. Tolerates sandy soils & part shade. Useful dense understory bush for urban gardens. 4-6M
Small neat & pretty compact tree with dense lush dark green foliage and edible fruit that leaves a dry taste in the mouth. Excellent small filling, screening tree for urban and rural gardens. Timber prized for woodturning and fine cabinet work. 3-5M
Compact mostly evergreen understory rainforest shade tree, endemic to Australia. Dense foliage used to flavour meat. Bright red soft edible fruits with yellow fleshy centre, loved by birds. Smooth blotched grey and white bark. Grows in monsoon forest and variety of habitats, including sandstone hilly country. Favoured by the native Yellow & Common Albatross butterflies. Can get taller but generally 5-8M
One of Darwin's iconic large woodland eucalyptus trees. Wooly bark at trunk base becoming smooth white higher towards crown. Showy orange or scarlet flowers. Very hardy. Seeds and chaff are shaken from the pods and eaten raw. Suitable for feature & revegetation plantings. 15-25M
Shapely and very hardy small fig tree. Tasty green-yellow edible fruits with clear, sweet nectar rich in Vitamin C and favoured by birds. Waterwise & tolerates diverse habitats. Separate male and female plants. 4-8M
Small to medium handsome fig with elegant pendulous slender foliage and edible fruit. Attractive shade, feature and screening tree for urban & rural gardens. 5-10M